App Travel & Expense (Powered by Chrome River)

Access App Travel & Expense (Chrome River)

Travel Policies and Procedures


If a member of your department creates and submits travel for multiple other employees, they can be assigned as a super delegate in the system. To request this access, the department head should complete the Business Systems request form in Jira.  Use the Travel (Chrome River) report type on the form and enter the details in the description. Please include the organization number, employee name, their Banner ID, and user ID in the description field.

Virtual or In-Person Training

An introduction to Chrome River or specialized training can be provided in an individual or group format. Contact Justin Hodges at for scheduling.

The introduction details the process for submitting travel authorizations and travel reimbursement requests using the App Travel & Expense application. Additional features of the application will also be demonstrated, including automated approval workflow, digital receipts, and delegate assignments.


  • Create and submit a travel authorization (pre-approval)
  • Upload receipts to the receipt gallery
  • Create and submit a travel reimbursement request (expense report)
  • Understand the approval workflow
  • Assign delegates

FAQ and Training  Materials

Pre-Approval Walkthrough
Caclulating Federal Per Diem
Expense Report Walkthrough
Reassign a Travel Card Transation
Receipt Gallery and the SNAP Mobile Application
Fixing Incorrect Itemization on Returned Expense Reports
Cash Advance Procedures
Amending a Pre-Approval
Zero-Dollar Expenses and Limited Reimbursements
Non-Travel Reimbursements